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A Health Check of your Plant Rooms and Energy Centers

  • Posted By: Francis Akinola
  • Posted on: 2019-11-15
A Health Check of your Plant Rooms and Energy Centers


You got home from a busy day, dead hungry. Longing to have a quick bite of anything you see, you rushed to the kitchen. You were confronted with a stuffy room; wrong equipment had tripped the electrical fuse supplying the kitchen




The laundry machine which you had set to run had stopped halfway, the extract fan has stopped working, the dishwasher is stuck with dishes unwashed, and worst still, you opened all cabinets, no confectionery to stick into your mouth.


You went for the fridge, longing to grab a left-over sandwich, but yeow! the smell... The sour confronting your nose and smear that beheld your finger heightened the frustration. The little scraps left in the fridge have all gone bad.


You opened the tap to wash off the sandwich smear on your finger but, o gosh! A gush of chilled water rushed out of the hot water tap. The boiler too had stopped working. The energy centre for the optimisation of your body has collapsed!




How would you react? You may be an exemption, but a hungry man under such circumstance would look around for someone to vent his anger and disappointment upon. If you live alone in the house and find no one to blame, you become angry with the entire system, but if the hunger still permits you a bit of reasonability, then it is time to reconsider your pitiable state and make a practicable resolution of putting your kitchen in order




Energy, be it of body, home or workplace, is sure a foremost factor for survival. Just as a person cannot act without energy, so can a building not survive without energy, and just as the kitchen is the energy centre for the body, so are Plant Rooms the energy centre for the workplace




The root of a building’s inadequacies lies in the neglect of its plant rooms and energy centre, and any dysfunction of these produces a grand constitutive reason why blame games are norms at workplaces, especially amongst those who bear responsibilities for fixing the menace of its defects




Installations such as Air handlers, Boilers, Chillers, Heat exchangers, Water heaters and tanks, Water pumps (for domestic, heating/cooling, and firefighting water), Main distribution piping and valves, Sprinkler distribution piping and pumps, Back-up electrical generators, Elevator machinery and HVAC (heating, ventilation and air-conditioning) equipment are a building’s nervous, circulatory and digestive systems, and these are embedded with its Energy Centres which need proper maintenance and good housekeeping.




ARC Facilities offers organisations the capability to manage, maintain and optimise the technical end of their sites through the provision of bespoke and comprehensive cleaning of their Plant Rooms and Energy Centres. We also offer free practical advice on plant maintenance, system optimisation, cost reduction, energy efficiency and sustainability




Our services and maintenance packages are tailored to your needs. Using comprehensive information obtained from site visits and consultations, we have built a tailored package that is right for you

