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UK's New Net Zero Growth Plan

  • Posted By: Francis Akinola
  • Posted on: 2023-04-04
UK's New Net Zero Growth Plan

Last week, the UK government outlined its Net Zero plan, a strategy which complements its Green Revolution agenda with plans to scale up affordable, clean, homegrown power, and build a thriving green economy.  


Here, we summarise the main areas and cost highlights of the UK government’s Net zero plans so, you can put your money where your mouth is:  


  1. Carbon Capture: With an ambition to be a world-leading Carbon Capture Usage and Storage nation a £20 billion CCUS funding has been put in place.


  1. Offshore Wind:  £160 million fund has been established to support port infrastructure projects investment into the UK’s emerging floating offshore wind industry.


  1. Great British Nuclear (GBN): GBN will launch new competition to select the best Small Modular Reactor technologies for development by Autumn and is posed to support a quarter of UK’s energy demand.


  1. Hydrogen Power: £240 million Net Zero Hydrogen Fund available to kickstart a Hydrogen economy.


  1. Renewable Electricity: Initial budget of £205 million has been put in place to incentivize and accelerate the deployment of investments in renewable electricity.


  1. Renewable Infrastructure: £160 million to kick start investment in renewable infrastructure projects.


  1. Household Energy Efficiency Programme: £1 billion energy efficiency programme running from Spring until March 2026 – contributing towards the government’s target to reduce energy demand by 15 percent by 2030.


  1. Heat Pump: £30 million Heat Pump Investment Accelerator to leverage £270 million private investment to supply heat pumps in the UK.


      9. Boiler Upgrade Scheme:  Grant of up to £5,000 for households to purchase heat pump.


      10.  Reducing electricity bills: Plans to speed up electrification for households and businesses and rebalance gas and electricity costs to make electricity bills cheaper and